Bruce Pinchbeck

I'm a creative explorer, blending art, entrepreneurship, and technology to create projects that inspire and involve people in surprising ways.

As a nine-year-old, I made my first foray into the world of media with the launch of BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper, a website co-created with my dad. This project propelled us onto the national stage, featuring on Oprah, Good Morning America, and in the New York Times and People Weekly.Fuelled by my early exposure to storytelling, I delved into video and film production in college, winning a National Geographic award and showcasing my work on MTV, VH1, and BET. This creative passion led me to the New World Symphony as a Senior Videographer and Projectionist, contributing to a high-speed, premium video production aesthetic.Eager to innovate, I co-founded a human-centered design non-profit that evolved into The New Tropic. As Head of Creative, I spearheaded branding, marketing, and a creative department producing engaging content across five cities. Drawing from these experiences, I co-launched Letterhead, an email newsletter software company, where I now shape customer experiences and lead marketing strategy.One of my current ventures is The Museum of Self, a free weekly newsletter that encourages self-reflection and personal discovery. Each edition includes a prompt to help readers envision their life as a museum exhibit, fostering introspection and self-understanding.Simultaneously, I am developing a project called "Digital Diaspora". This initiative aims to connect people with their home communities, providing opportunities to give back virtually, physically, or financially. I'm actively seeking partners to join me in accelerating and expanding these projects.Beyond my professional pursuits, I’ve left creative footprints (1,2,3,4,5) in my community through guerrilla art projects and have shared my knowledge with the younger generation as a mentor. At my core, I'm a family man, a father of two, and a devoted husband.In everything I do, I strive to challenge the status quo and inspire the next generation of creators. I believe in the transformational power of art, not just as a spectator's pastime, but as a participatory adventure that reveals the inherent joy, beauty, and creativity in us all.